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Dear Prospective BMS Family,

Thank you for considering Belleville Mennonite School for your family.  We invite you to discover all that makes BMS unique and the opportunities that await your student here!

At BMS, we believe that God applies to EVERY MOMENT of our day, and that God's Word changes the way we think and view our world. This in turn impacts our daily choices and actions. This is called Biblical Worldview, and we integrate it into every class that we teach. We pray that the outcome will be students that invite God into every aspect of their lives and are empowered to impact their communities for Jesus Christ!

Different:  Belleville Mennonite School provides a unique and uncommon PK-12 learning environment where students learn truth and are truly known - growing both academically and spiritually.  As a private Christian school, BMS offers a family-focused atmosphere where students can thrive and be challenged by customized learning pathways as they prepare for the journey ahead.

Deeper:  Students experience learning through a Biblical Worldview approach that shapes firm foundations alongside our partner families who share a vision for rich and well-rounded Christian education.  Our world promotes so many surface-level successes and benefits centered on self, and at BMS, we believe in deeper, more meaningful growth that resonates beyond self to impact change in our communities and world around us that needs dedicated servants and leaders.

Direction:  Our high-quality programming is always expanding, growing, and geared toward meeting the needs and interests of our students for the future they will encounter.  Through a wide range and variety of courses, including Bible, unique specials, and electives, as well as honors and dual enrollment opportunities, students can hone their skills and spiritual walks in numerous areas at BMS.  Vocational programming and community co-op partnerships are growing alongside developing academic tracks and expanding service-learning opportunities.

The mission of the Belleville Mennonite School: Belleville Mennonite School provides a Christ-centered education and biblical worldview that inspires students to develop minds, build faith, and be disciples.

The vision of the Belleville Mennonite School: Empowering students to cultivate academic excellence and a passion for Christ.

If you are looking for a Christian learning community for your child, we encourage you to take the next step in the admissions process to call the school office (717-935-2184) and schedule a visit, stop by our Open House in March, or apply today.  We look forward to sharing more about the awesome educational experience available to your family at BMS!

Nicholas Wilson

Parents of Recent Graduates Reflect on their BMS Experience

One of our favorite things about having our children attend BMS has been the opportunity for them to customize their educational experience.  When Emilee had already taken Physics by her junior year, we were not sure what science she could/should take as a senior. Fortunately, BMS was willing to work with her to develop independent studies to meet both their requirements and her interests.  She chose to work on 2 different projects. One project connected her love of community volunteer work by pairing her with a community non-profit to develop a pollinator garden and seed library.  Another project sees her teaching STEM lessons to the elementary students. Both projects have allowed her to develop leadership skills, science proficiency, and her love of teaching others.  Thank you BMS for being willing to work with her on such an individualized experience!
Additionally, I would encourage ALL parents to consider the dual enrollment opportunities that BMS offers through online education.  There should be no reason for moving children to another school due to lack of educational offerings – through the dual enrollment experience, both of my children were able to not only take all of the classes in which they expressed an interest, but also gain college credit in doing so! The BMS guidance counselor is extremely adept in understanding how to make this work for any child’s interests, just ASK!

When deciding to send our child to BMS, we really thought the decision was all about what was best for her.  However, we have come to realize that our experience as “BMS parents” has been equally valuable!   I was continually frustrated and worried as a parent with children in public schools.  Our values seemed to be not only overlooked, but often times outrightly disdained. However, when coming to BMS, I then found myself worrying that as a working parent, I may not have the same values as many of the stay-at-home mothers I encountered. I was concerned that I could not volunteer during the day like many of them were able to do.  I was so pleasantly surprised by the support that I received! Never once did I feel judged in regard to my inability to volunteer during the day. Instead, I have been encouraged to utilize the gifts that I can bring – my work connections have expanded some of the auction solicitations and brownies can be delivered for teacher appreciation events via my child.  BMS not only welcomed my children with open arms but helped my husband and I find a place as well.  It has truly become a whole family experience!

When we first began considering sending our first child to BMS, the financial obligation seemed overwhelming for us.  We looked at the large yearly number and said “NO WAY!”  However, we forgot that God opens doors that we think are closed.  A friend urged us to pray about the decision and said with great faith, “if He wants your child there, He will move mountains.”  She was more right than I could have ever imagined.  For not only did God move mountains to get our TWO children to BMS, he moved mountains to grow our faith through the journey.  I could share example after example of how God showed up for us but the one that stands out the most was the one that He used to open our eyes in the very beginning of the journey.  I was not aware of my husband’s specific prayer – he had set an amount in his own mind that he felt we needed as a down payment in order to make the monthly payments manageable for us.  In a turn of events that we could only attribute to God’s moving, that amount was made available to us, to the very penny. This was the first of many ways God would use our journey with BMS to grow our faith as a family.
Once we made the commitment to sending our children, we began to look at our finances differently.  These are some of the earthly ways that we managed to afford a BMS education (beyond engaging in daily prayer!):

  1. We made the decision not to keep up with the Jones’ (or in our community, the Peacheys, Yoders and Kanagys!)  This meant that we did not drive new cars, that we only bought essential clothing, and we did not buy the latest gadgets.  However, because most families at BMS were doing the same thing, I never felt pressure to do anything differently.  Instead, I felt very supported as a parent by instilling Godly values of stewardship in my children.  Saying no actually made not only my financial life but my parenting life easier!
  2. We made the decision to involve extended family.  This could look different for each family but for ours, it meant that grandparents took on the monthly cafeteria bill, aunt and uncle supported through fundraisers, and everyone participated in events as needed, including sports and music extras. Having the kids know that the whole family was part of their education was a blessing and a reminder that God created us for community.
  3. We prayed.  We prayed for our kids, their classmates, their teachers, the school, the community, music and sports and specific classes.  You name it, we prayed over it.  Because we knew that God can and will move mountains and sometimes, we just cannot see over the next ridge, but God surely can. 

We are convinced that our children are not the only ones who received a stellar education from BMS.  I would tell any parent that the question should not be, “How can I afford BMS?” but rather, “What can I change in my behavior so that I can afford BMS?”  Chances are, it’s something God wants you to work on anyway! Pray and just watch the mountains move.

- William Henson & Allison Fisher, parents of Anney (2020) and Emilee (2023)

Parent Perspective

"As parents of a BMS student, we see daily care, support, collaboration, and most importantly, patience for all students.  We are very impressed that BMS teaches the Word, incorporating the Bible in all subjects, while preparing them for everyday life and living in today’s world.  We have seen improvements in our child’s education and spiritual growth, as well as our spiritual growth as parents.  2 Corinthians 9:8 says, “God will generously provide all you need.”  God has provided for our family, and we see the ways he has blessed our family since we sent our child to BMS."

- Matt & Karen Yohn, parents of Addison, 9th grade