Belleville Mennonite School has an exceptional Learning Support Program for students in grades K-12. The program provides various methods of support. For example, based on students' needs, they may receive instruction in the learning support classroom, receive teaching from the classroom teacher then receive re-teaching from the Learning Support (LS) teacher, or allowing students to remain in the classroom and have their school work modified to better suit their learning style. The BMS LS teacher is specially trained and provides a caring touch to each individual student.
To supplement our staff, the Tuscarora Intermediate Unit and the Mifflin County School District provide a full-time remedial reading specialist, a speech therapist and a remedial math specialist.
BMS also offers the Project Hope Program for children that have both academic and behavioral needs. A team of teachers meet to discuss how the student can best achieve success through a number of interventions.
Our learning support specialist, Mrs. Michaela Yoder, has years of experience meeting students' unique learning needs at various levels. Mrs. Yoder provides an encouraging environment that is conducive to learning, allows students to feel accepted, and motivates them to achieve all they can.